Green chemistry is the development of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous compounds. Green chemistry applies to a chemical product's entire life cycle, including its design, manufacture, usage, and disposal. Sustainable chemistry is another name for green chemistry.
Sustainable chemistry is a scientific concept aimed at increasing the efficiency with which natural resources are utilized to meet human demands for chemical products and services. Sustainable chemistry refers to the development, production, and use of chemical products and processes that are more efficient, effective, safe, and environmentally friendly.
Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC) is concerned with lowering the environmental impact of chemicals and fuels by developing non-toxic, sustainable technologies.
Title : Application of metal single-Site zeolite catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis
Stanislaw Dzwigaj, Sorbonne University, France
Title : Using cells as the environmentally catalyst for nanoparticle synthesis: Killing bacteria, inhibiting inflammation, and growing tissues
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Human impact on natural environment and its implications
Dai Yeun Jeong, Asia Climate Change Education Center, Korea, Republic of
Title : Green synthesis of SnO2@Cu(O,S) nanocomposite catalysts for reduction of Cr(VI) under dark condition
Misganaw Alemu Zeleke, University of Limerick, Ireland
Title : Shape memory phenomena and crystallographic transformations in shape memory alloys
Osman Adiguzel, Firat University, Turkey
Title : Chemical soil biological engineering and biogeosystem technique methodology
Valery P Kalinitchenko, All Russian Phytopathology Research Institute, Russian Federation
Title : Phenol removal from wastewater using innovative biological and industrial wastes as adsorbents
Ashanendu Mandal, University of Calcutta, India
Title : Controlling the production process of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride profile using adaptive neural fuzzy inference system
Avaz Naghipour, University College of Nabi Akram, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Heterojunction photocatalysts comprising Z-Scheme magnetic nanocomposites are investigated for their efficacy in degrading organic pollutants and dynamic molecular studies
Redouane Haounati, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
Title : Photoremoval of some brominated phenols (4-bromophenol and 2,4,6-tribromophenol) with reused polystyrene foam and SnO2
Delia Teresa Sponza, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey